Monday, December 5, 2016

Positive Thoughts

Yesterday, we were surrounded by supportive friends and family for our baby shower.  It was overwhelming to think of all the support, hope and love there is for our baby girl. It filled me with such joy and happiness.  It makes this journey more real and more hopeful.  

I believe that this is going to happen.  I believe that I will get to hold our baby girl in my arms and love on her.  I believe that she is going to be healthy and strong.  I believe that I will get to see my husband hold our daughter in her arms. I believe that this pregnancy is going to have a happy ending.

Today, we had another doctor's appointment.  One of my struggles has been weight gain. I haven't had any food cravings throughout this pregnancy.  I get full easily and rarely do I feel hungry.  I eat 3 meals a day, but have to remind myself to eat. I dropped a lot of weight early on because I was so sick and throwing up 3-6 times per day. For the past 4-6 weeks, I have continued to be down 6 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. Last time I met with the doctor, he suggested I drink Ensure 2-3 times a day to increase my calorie intake.  Today, I was up 3 lbs from my last visit, still down 3 lbs overall, but a step in the right direction.  

Despite my weight loss and trouble gaining weight, baby girl is measuring right on track.  In fact she is measuring a little on the big side.  The doctor is very pleased with her progress. Her heartbeat is within the normal range.  She is kicking and moving a lot. Our baby girl is so strong.

We discussed the need to remove the cerclage, probably around 36-37 weeks.  I will be induced no later than 39 weeks, if she doesn't come on her own before then.  We go back in 2 weeks for our next appointment.

Now it is time to organize all the baby goods that we have been gifted.  People have been amazingly generous and kind.  We are so thankful for all that we have received.  It is hard to believe that such a little human needs so much stuff!